Shakespeare wants her to be his muse, this is why he gives her a bangle.
Some cues* are taken from plays too, for instance "A plague on both your houses".
The action takes place in London, England in 1593 at the end of the 16th century. Shakespeare is the main character as well as the eponymous one.
This story reminds us of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare is trying to write a comedy entitled Romeo and Ethel, the Pirate's daughter.
Shakespeare has lost his [ gift/talent/skill with words ] so he feels depressed.
Shakespeare is always in and out of love with Rosaline.
Shakespeare lies with many women, all prostitutes such as Aphrodite who, in the Greek Mythology, is the goddess of beauty and love but in "SiLove" is the pseudo of a prostitute.
Christopher Marlow (Kit) was a playwright too.
Rosaline is the mistress of R. Burbage (who was a famous actor). She is a seamstress* too, she cares for the costumes.
cues: les répliques
quill: a feather people used to write with
cashflow: monnaie liquide, liquidité (=cash) = money in cash
playhouse: a house where actors play on a stage.
stage: la scène
seamstress: costumière, couturière.